Today the three of us spent the entire day together. This evening we went to dinner with a sweet friend of mine, Erin & her adorable daughter. Then met up with Grandma & Grandpa at the church that hosted Upward Basketball for this season and enjoyed the End of Season Celebration for Anthony's 2nd fabulous year.
Crazy timing, we did this same thing last year when we had to move past the "1 Year" milestone.
All I really know is that God has taken very good care of the 3 of us these past 2 years. I know for a fact that I am stronger in many ways. My kids are such blessings. They are two very strong kiddos in their own ways (many will even say they both are "strong-willed"...and yes they are! Oh my!)
After taking that trip to Dallas with Anthony this past December-I have had a lot of momentum. I believe God did some work on me through that trip and I feel more confident and trusting in Him for today and tomorrow...not looking as much in the past as I have.
I truly feel like I am not just surviving any more but living.
And I think/know that Dario is proud of us. He was always our free spirit, crazy, jump and go. I miss that but now its my time to be trusting in what tomorrow holds and not worry so much about yesterday or today.
This has been my word. It is on my wall. It is in my heart. But it has meant many different things to me throughout this new journey. Today it truly is HOPE for the future, here on Earth and the promise of eternity in our Heavenly home. If you look up Hope in the beautiful Word of God you will find many verses and many are perfect to me. But still my favorite continues to be
Jeremiah 17:7
which is listed on the top of my blog.
Here are a few more
Romans 12:12, Romans 15:13, Isaiah 40:31
I love this picture because it has HOPE moving FORWARD.
One more thing...This is quoted from a book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, January 8th.
"Hope in Me (Jesus), and you will be protected from depression and self-pity. Hope is like a golden cord connecting you to heaven. The more you cling to this cord, the more I bear the weight of your burdens; thus you are lightened. Heaviness is not of my kingdom. Cling to hope, and My rays of light will reach you through darkness."
This so has been the case for me and my life. Anthony now 7 1/2, Isa 2 1/2, Me...well 2 years older...We are good. We are strong. We are trusting. Doesn't mean I have it all together...oh man to I struggle with my many responsibilities but...we are strong...we are trusting...we are full of HOPE.
Love you and thank you for your many well-wishes and especially your prayers today.